Make the most of spring by potting up bulbs and small flowers in decorative containers and grouping them together where they can be easily seen. It’s a simple way of brightening up dull corners, creating a welcoming display at a doorway or turning a patio table into a charming feature.

Seen up close the intricate beauty of the season’s flowers becomes apparent. Spread out in the garden in a colourful carpet they make a splash of vivid colour, but viewed as individual plants their delicate shapes and intoxicating scents take on a fresh beauty.

Bulbs - narcissi, muscari, tulips, fritillaries, hyacinth, lily of the valley.
Plants - primroses, auriculas, ranunculus, violas.
Containers - small pots, colourful containers, old wine boxes.

Scottish Gardener:

Choose shapes and colours that best match each container, fill any gaps with compost and press moss around the top. Water well and allow to drain. Group the containers together to make an attractive feature. 

To keep the display looking good, remove faded flowers and yellow leaves and replace with fresh plants when necessary. Those that have gone over can be planted out in the garden to flower again next year.